martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Important Facts

John's real name is Giovanni Caboto, except in English you say John Cabot. He was born in the year 1450 and died in the year 1498. He lived in Italy in a town named Venice. Later on he sailed to England and asked King Henry Vll to pay for his voyage and then he (John) promised to bring him something from the new world.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

How is the place that John Cabot discovered right now?

John Cabot discovered the north part of North America, that right now it is known as Canada (he discovered the east coast). Right now, Canada has a lot of tall pine trees and eagles that build their nests in them. there are also a lot of rivers were salmos swim in and bear catch them It is almost always cold, but sunny sometimes.

Who paid for his trip?

In 1496, merchants in England agreed to pay for Cabot's voyage and the King Henry Vll gave him permission to explore any unknown lands.
This is King Henry Vll

If I was a Native American, what did I saw when John was coming to our land?

We were heading to shore to catch some fish for dinner, but when we got there, I giant brown thing was still in the sea. People were shouting and the brown thing started moving again and was also getting closer. What was that? We could see people in that thing, they were wearing some kind of bright clothes. Were did they got that, and that movable thing? Who were they?

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Description of John's Discovery

When I (John Cabot) got off the ship, I thought I was in Asia, but the only thing I could see where tall trees and the sweet sound of the bird's singing. The waves crashed at the shore. If this was Asia, then why isn't there any people or civilization? I had discovered a new land, a new world.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009


In May of the year 1497, John left England with a small ship and 17 men. He followed Colombus' route, only he went north and Colombus went south. On June 24, he got to the eastern coast of Canada.

This is John Cabot